If you'd like to consume the latest AI news in a way Google Reader fans from the 2000s would be proud of, then do I have the link for you! - will get you all the latest This Day In AI in your reader or AI of choice!
9 months ago
I'd be curious if anyone would be interested in AI-generated article summaries + top comments as part of the RSS description so you can get all the news there without clicking on ad-laden websites?
9 months ago
Yes this would be a very useful feature for me
9 months ago
exactly what I needed. Adding this to my RSS reader ASAP
9 months ago
Let me know how it goes for you and if you'd like more information added in the feed. Would an AI summary of the article and comments be useful in the description, for example?
9 months ago
Interesting, it’s been ages since I’ve specifically used RSS (as opposed to embedded stuff) but work and life have been pretty hectic and I just don’t have the time at the moment to keep up like usual (hence my lack of activity on your socials lately), so ‘in your face’ pings from a reader might be just what I need 😆